Bastet webdesign

Personaly tailored &
functionality focused

Welcome to Bastet webdesign

Do you need a website?
Do you want your website to fit your needs?

I started as a webdesigner with the aim of offering a service in web design, in my own unique way.
What I want to focus on is a very personal approach and efficient communication.
Pictures often say more than a 1000 words; this may also be central to a website!
On this website I mainly want to show who I am and what I do. Hence the photos of nature and a portfolio of my recent websites.

Together we will create your website and make it:

  • tailored to your needs
  • no fuss, just functionality
  • light and easy to browse
  • multilingual possibilities

Bastet webdesign – Personaly tailored & functionality focused

Recent Projects

  • Screenshot of

Parts of the photos may be blurred, as they contain text from the website itself or third party company logos. Also, the quality of the screenshot is not representative of the appearance of the website it refers to, because of file size.